Blue Is For Boys

I was taking a moment to myself reading when I heard my daughter say “I’ll do the pink nails because blue is for boys.”

She was finally entertaining herself and her “toy” of choice was a set of press-on nails that someone gifted her for her birthday.

Motherhood can feel like a marathon of personalized Punk’d episodes involving everything from human feces to misplaced car keys, but we do ever so often stumble upon opportunities to shape our kids' worldview.

I don’t know why mine decided to show up right when I finally had a second alone but I took it.

Although we may complain, find ourselves agitated, suffocated, drowning, and or borderline insane some days what constitutes being a good mother is our inability to turn away these small chances at making sure our children become good people.

She noticed that I had looked up from my book to stare at her for a second.

“Blue is not for boys,” I said.

“What?” she replied.

“Blue is not just for boys. Girls can enjoy wearing blue things and boys can enjoy wearing pink things. Do you like the color blue?” I asked.

“Yes!” she exclaimed.

Then she decided she wanted to wear both.

Plus, since she had my attention, she made a point to have me press them on for her.

So I did.



I Pulled Her Tooth Out While She Was Sleeping


Kid Free For A Week